Page 4 - Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator PDF Book Download (Michael Morgan)
P. 4

And although people are remembering Marconi for giving us
         the radio...

         It was Tesla who had the first patent for a radio device.

         In fact, when Marconi made his famous trans-Atlantic radio
         transmission, he was using 17 of Tesla's patents.

         Yet even after coming up with all these amazing inventions
         that changed the world... Tesla was still unhappy.

         He had envisioned AC and the radio as the pure expression
         of freedom: freedom to be informed, to know what's going

         on in the world, to be independent from the elites.

         Yet with each day passing by, Tesla was seeing the

         Instead of liberating the masses... the power companies
         were using his discovery of the AC to enslave people, and
         to force them to pay unfair monopolistic rates.

           So the inventor embarked on a

                          secret mission…

         His grand plan: to provide the entire world with clean, cheap
         energy... so that the people won't have to pay thousands of

         dollars a year, for power that should be FREE.
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